View Full Version : Clickors 3rd party programs

25-04-2011, 10:31 AM
Clikors that help you just attack and afk is punished with a rr ban.
Macros for spells to binded keys are ok, not considered a hack.
If the program does more than that and does the following:

* Automatic pick-up only of jewels and excellent/ancient items
* Automatic pick-up of specific items
* Automatic '/request off'
* Stealth options:
- Automatic game exit on level 400
- Automatic reply if another character (or GM) is speaking near your hero
- Stop automatic pick-up if another character is standing next to your hero
is considered a 3rd party hack especially if you have to edit the client files.

If caught once it will be a 1 week ban as a warning, caught again it will be perm ban. I'm trying my best to be as fair as I can be. People who use this shit ruin the meaning of this game. To meet new friends and have fun not a program to play the game for you!!!!! Where's the pride in that? I'm disgusted so thats all I am going to say.