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Quest 08-02-2009 06:49 PM

[Tutorial] Making a dynamic signature for Twilight :: v2.0
Download version 3.2 of the script. Tutorial is still for version 2. Following this tutorial you won't get a working signature, however you will have a grasp of the principles and be able to modify v.3 easily. There is no update planned for the tutorial.
{Dynamic Signatures, Tutorial v.2}
Hello everybody,

So here comes a new version of my tutorial. This one has several major changes and I decided not to modify the previous tutorial as people can still learn and use the method decribed in it. And maybe I like to leave it as a mark from where I started.

This section is dedicated to those that are already familiar with dynamic signatures and/or my previous tutorial and want to have a quick look at what's new. The rest can skip this and known that the tutorial is still written for people who are beginners.
  • Using TTF fonts.
  • Using two images.
  • Including Elite reset.
  • Using XAMPP for quick "offline" signature creation.
If I aroused your interest then read on.

[1. Introduction]
This tutorial explains how to create dynamic signatures for Twilight MU using PHP. It's an easy tutorial and although I said it's for beginners I do expect you to know what a webserver is, what Apache & PHP are (at least vaguely), and to be generally knowledgeable with computers (e.g. no help needed for creating folders). Some things that I will mention if they don't immediately make sense, or are not explained, it means you'll get it when you make it to that part while creating your signature.

Again I am warning you that I am a n00b and that the things that make up this tutorial were learnt, copied, modified from others and sought with google. I can hardly take credit for 100% of this. Oh, and if your computer explodes while following it then you know why.

[2. Things you will need]
  • two already-made .PNG signatures. We use two because in this tutorial we learn how to display different images depending on the online status of the character. For this tutorial I used this image and this image (using Scyonx as test subject without his permission; hope I don't get KS/PKed). Do notice that the signature needs to be specially made with space left for numbers & letters to be written. You must have everything put in the signature except status numbers and guild name. Of course, it will work with any kind of signature too, but imagine how ugly it will look to have numbers written on it.
  • server with PHP AT LEAST 5.2.8 AND php functions include( ) and fsockopen( ) enabled. -- (If you just want to learn how to do dynamic signatures then this is optional, as you can use XAMPP) -- Big warning here, as most free hosting companies do NOT have include() and fsockopen() enabled, usually offering them only if you upgrade your account to a paid one. Also I noticed alot of you use DeluXe Host ( for their dynamic signatures. That host won't work nicely with this new script, because they have PHP v5.2.6 (thanks goes to Ranita for helping me discover this). It doesn't necesarely mean you have to find a new host if you know they will update PHP or you can tell them to.{looks like they updated php}
  • This font - It's the font I used in this tutorial. You can use any other font you like when creating a signature.
  • XAMPP - This is optional for those that already know the drill and use webservers. For the rest it's helpful because it enables them to learn how to do dynamic signatures without the need for a host. Of course, if they want to use the signatures online, they will need a host.
  • again, patience.

[2. Installing XAMPP]OPTIONAL
XAMPP is a webserver package including Apache, PHP, MySQL and others. We'll use it in this tutorial to create our signature and visualize it before uploading to our host. Also, using XAMPP is faster than working with a webserver because the changes to the script are faster visualized compared to communicating with the host and waiting for the host to communicate with
First let's download the installer from .

After downloading it double click for installing it. Leave everything as it is during instalation and wait for it to complete. After finishing it you should have a new icon on your desktop named "XAMPP Control Panel". Opening it shows:

From here we can Start/Stop Apache, the only thing we need.
!Make sure you allow XAMPP when/if your firewall asks anything about it. Also, as far as I know, localhost communications don't need firewall ports opening, but if it doesn't work, then you might need to punch a whole for port 80 through your firewall.

Press Start for Apache and minimize that window.

[3. Creating the folder structure]
We are going to make a directory structure for our signature. This step refers to creating the directories for XAMPP (offline, on your PC); those who want to use hosting directly just create the folders on your server. The root folder of our XAMPP local server is located in C:\xampp\htdocs\

You can see we already have alot of stuff in there but it doesn't interest us. Just create the following folder structure:

We can access our signature by browsing the address. At the moment nothing is there but keep the address handy as you'll view it again and again.

[4. Copying the images]
Verify that all is in order with the prepared signatures...

Name the one for when online signature.png and the other one signature_offline.png and copy them both to the C:\xampp\htdocs\signature_example\sig.png\images folder.

[5. Copying the font]
I will use the Smudger LET Plain:1.0 (TrueType) font. Download it on your PC and copy it to the C:\xampp\htdocs\signature_example\sig.png\font folder.
For the old clients: observe that we can now use TTF (and OTF too) fonts. The gain is enourmous. We don't need to convert fonts anymore and even by the converting we did before we couldn't use fancy fonts because they all needed to be "pixelized" for php use. With the new script fonts look as they really do letting the creator to make more beautiful signatures. Also it's easier now that conversion is eliminated and fonts can be used in their original file format.
As reference here's how the font would have had to look if we were using the old script:

Quest 08-02-2009 06:49 PM

[6. Writing the main script]
This is the principal and longest part of the tutorial.
Create a file in C:\xampp\htdocs\signature_example\sig.png\include\ named "generate.php". Open it (e.g. with notepad) and prepare for editing.
I will explain the code as we write in the file. Just copy / paste the code sections into the file. I'll also use comments in the code itself, maybe it helps learning faster.

//reading the site
$site = file_get_contents("");

# using the search function from the twilight website we search for the character whom status we want to show on the signature. replace scyonnoou with the character name you chose the signature to be for.
# the character name we send to the search function does NOT require to be cAsE SeNsItIvE (unlike in-game) so don't worry about it.
# it's good practice to test the link between " " and make sure it works before continuing.
# file_get_contents() gives us the HTML page (with the results of the search on it) which gets stored in the $site variable.


//making matches
preg_match_all("/<strong>(.*)<\/strong>/", $site, $results0); //online status

# preg_match_all() is a php function that takes two arguments (here, <strong>(.*)<\/strong> and $site), compares them, and puts what it finds in an array (here, $results0).
# sytax: (.*) = any "something"(a wildcard).
# $results0 array content will look like this after the above code is executed:

# as you see, what this code line did was to search in the HTML code (of the $site) for anything matching "<strong>ANYTHING </strong>". Here, the findings (two matches were found) were put in a matrix (or two-dimensional array), in the [0] it was put with the searched criteria included, and in [1] it was put without the search criteria.
# note that [1][0] has the value of the on-line status.
# if you get "Offline" at [1][0] don't be scared, it just means the character is offline, while at the moment I took that screenshot, it was online.
# if you check the HTML code of the web page you will see that it contains.


<td bgcolor=black width=30>
        <font face=Arial size=2>
                <font color='#00FF00'>

The code is very messy in original, I indented it here for easy reading.
# if you are wondering why we put "/<strong>(.*)<\/strong>/" instead of "<strong>(.*)</strong>" it's because, besides that the arguments must be contained between "/ /", some characters need to be escaped. "\" is used for escaping characters. If those characters aren't escaped the php compiler misinterprets what we are trying to do and will give errors.


preg_match_all("/<td bgcolor=black width=30><font face=Arial size=2 font color=white>(.*)\((.*)\)\[(.*)\]<\/b><\/font><\/td>/", $site, $results1); //level, reset, elite switch
# here we have 3 readings: level, reset and elite reset. It's all HTML code but with a lot of escaping because the LVL RR ERR format is <number>(<number>)[<number>], and the brackets must be escaped.
# I am NOT sure if it's necessary to have such a long match, it might be possible to get the same readings with a smaller search criteria. I just wanted to be sure of what I get.
# what the matrix $results1 contains after the code is executed:

# level, reset and the elite switch are contained in [1][0],[2][0] respectively [3][0].
# again don't get scared if values differ, the character might have gained additional levels/resets.


preg_match_all("/<td bgcolor=black width=30><font face=Arial size=2 font color=white>([A-Za-z0-9]{1}|[A-Za-z0-9]{2}|[A-Za-z0-9]{3}|[A-Za-z0-9]{4}|[A-Za-z0-9]{5}|[A-Za-z0-9]{6}|[A-Za-z0-9]{7}|[A-Za-z0-9]{8})<\/b><\/font><\/td>/", $site, $results2); //strength, agility, vitality, energy, guild
# this will catch the status and the guild name. The syntax is slightly different: we search for only one string (we have only 1 pair of ( ) ) and it must be numbers, letters or numbers+letters. if we don't use all that criteria, we will end up with the result from LVL, RR, ERR (brackets included) in here too and we don't need that. so what is between ( ) brackets says: search for any "something" that is made of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 numbers / letters / numbers&letters.
# syntax: [A-Za-z0-9] = any letter from A to Z that is upper-case + any letter from a to z that is lower-case + any number from 0-9; {4} = that occurs 4 times (e.g. this will detect a string like "n00b"); | = or; ( ) = marks the search criteria.
# content of $results2 after execution of the line:

Now we finished with reading the site, we collected all the required data. Let's list the variables that hold the relevant values:
  • $results0[1][0] = On-line status
  • $results1[1][0] = Level
  • $results1[2][0] = Reset
  • $results1[3][0] = Elite reset
  • $results2[1][0] = Strength
  • $results2[1][1] = Agility
  • $results2[1][2] = Vitality
  • $results2[1][3] = Energy
  • $results2[1][4] = Command
  • $results2[1][5] = Guild name
This values will be written later on the signatures we uploaded.


//Online status
//if for loading different images/colors
if ($results0[1][0]=="Online"){
        //creating the image
        $im = imagecreatefrompng("images/signature.png");
        imagesavealpha($im, true);
        imagealphablending($im, true);
        //defining text colors
        $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); //white
                //creating the image
                $im = imagecreatefrompng("images/signature_offline.png");
                imagesavealpha($im, true);
                imagealphablending($im, true);
                //defining text colors
                $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 58, 58, 58); //gray

# using an if() for loading different images and using different text colors depending on the online status of the character.
# imagesavealpha(), imagealphablending() are all PNG related functions, one saving the image's alpha channels, the other setting the blending mode.
# creating a variable $imthat holds the image of the signature.
# setting the color of the text we will use, using imagecolorallocate(); the 3 numbers after $im are the RGB values of the color; they have the same value that any other program will show (e.g. here, MSPaint):

# for the old clients: you notice I don't use imageantialias() anymore; it's because I discovered it's useful only when using php to draw lines, arcs, circles or w/e; also didn't notice any difference in quality between using and not using it.
# for the old clients: you notice imagealphablending() gets the value "true" now; that's because "false" doesn't work with the fonts, makes them appear as blocks.


//defining font
$font = 'font/smudgerletplain-1.0.ttf';

# loading the font we will use.

Let's write the "easy" values first, leaving the if() ones for the end.

imagettftext( $im , 14 , 0 , 210 , 73 , $textcolor , $font , $results1[1][0] );
imagettftext( $im , 14 , 0 , 210 , 97 , $textcolor , $font , $results2[1][0] );
imagettftext( $im , 14 , 0 , 296 , 97 , $textcolor , $font , $results2[1][1] );
imagettftext( $im , 14 , 0 , 205 , 120 , $textcolor , $font , $results2[1][2] );
imagettftext( $im , 14 , 0 , 300 , 120 , $textcolor , $font , $results2[1][3] );

# beginning the actual writing on the signature; we don't write command as he's not a DL.
# syntax: (<image we write on> , <font size; it isn't always the same with the value from Photoshop, but neither too far from it> , <angle; we can write at angles with this new function; 0 = 90degrees, normal standing text> , <X coordinate>, <Y coordinate> , <color for the text> , <font face> , <writing; here, we just dump the variable's value> )
# the X and Y coordinates will tell where to start writing from. They are equal to pixels. PHP calculates X & Y starting from top left corner of the image.

You should change them until they get in the desired position.


//detecting no guild
if ($results2[1][5]==NULL){
        imagettftext( $im , 14 , 0 , 170 , 139 , $textcolor , $font , "NO GUILD" );
                imagettftext( $im , 14 , 0 , 170 , 139 , $textcolor , $font , $results2[1][5] );

# using an if() to see if the character is in any guild; if he is, we write the name of the guild; if not, we write "NO GUILD".


//if elite
if ($results1[3][0]==1){
        imagettftext( $im , 14 , 0 , 296 , 73 , $textcolor , $font , $results1[2][0]." Elite" );
                imagettftext( $im , 14 , 0 , 296 , 73 , $textcolor , $font , $results1[2][0] );

# we use an if() to detect if the character is elite; if he is we write: "<the_current_resets> Elite"; otherwise we just write "<the_current_resets>".
# syntax: . (the dot) is used for concatenation of the two strings (resets and " Elite").
# for the old customers: you notice I don't use the 0rr if() case anymore; that's because I found out it works like this and the bug I thought I had wasn't real ... me n00b ^_^.


//outputting image
header("Content-type: image/png");
imagepng($im, NULL, 9, NULL);


# End of File
# because the output will be in a browser we set the header type and then output the image.
# syntax: (<image to be output> [COLOR="Lucida Console"],[/COLOR] <file to output to; here, we put NULL because we don't want to save the file, we just want to show it directly> , <png compression; here, 9 ;maximum 9, minimum 0; remember, png compression is lossless> , <filters>)
# I discovered imagedestroy() should always be used so the memory used by php for the image to be freed; I don't know if it's any use here as the script ends when the work with the image is done, but it's at least good practice.

After you finished writing, save. Always save.

Almost finished now, hang in there.

Quest 08-02-2009 06:50 PM

[7. Writing the auxiliary script]
Don't be scared this one is very short.
Create a file named index.php in C:\xampp\htdocs\signature_example\sig.png\and open it for editing. Copy / paste the following code in it.


Save it.
I'll explain why we need this file (the "secret" of dynamic signatures):
Our signature is dynamic and to actually see it we need to run the "generate.php" script. But if we want to use the signature on a forum, we can't use "" because the forum will only allow (and understand) something ending in an image extension. So we use a trick, we use our sig.png folder as a file. The forum will think of it as a image file, but when it accesses it from our server, the server knows it's a folder and (by default) the server runs any file .html or .php with the name "index". But index.php that we have will call the image-generating script throught the include() function. The script will generate an image and send response to index.php as a png. And behold, our signature is on forum (or wherever for that matter).

[8. Restricting access]OPTIONAL
Test your signature to see if it works by going to .

If everything is in order, then we might consider "locking" the folders that are in sig.png/ so that anyone trying to access anything else except index.php (a.k.a our signature), to receive an HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden.
Create a file named .htaccess on your PC and open it for editing. Add the folowing code.

    order deny,allow
    deny from all

Save and copy it to:
  • C:\xampp\htdocs\signature_example\sig.png\font\
  • C:\xampp\htdocs\signature_example\sig.png\images\
  • C:\xampp\htdocs\signature_example\sig.png\include\
Now this is what you should have on your PC:

My result:

As I don't know whether he'll be online or not when you read this post here's static images of how the signatures look when online respectively offline:

[9. Uploading to your webserver]OPTIONAL
This is piece of cake.
Just archive (zip or w/e format) the signature_example folder, upload it to the webserver and extract it there.
Will be accessible under . You can put it in deeper folders too, it still works.

---- § ----

Finished *phew*

Please email/pm me any questions you have, any discrepancies you find, any suggestions you have. I will modify posts if problems are found.

Oh yah, and press here if you like all this nonsense ^_^.

GuBR 08-02-2009 06:56 PM

Thanks alooootttt man!!! very well explained (well i didnt read it all lol) but i will :D

stonze1 08-02-2009 07:50 PM

omg perfect"

NinjEe 13-02-2009 11:57 AM

oh Wow... it looks really really really complicated o_O.

stonze1 19-02-2009 04:13 AM

tried this for an hour...than i gave up :P

GuBR 10-03-2009 12:55 AM

I get this

Parse error: parse error in C:\xampp\htdocs\signature_example\sig.png\include\ generate.php on line 6

Thers NOTHING wrong in that line!!
Cry. T_T

Quest 10-03-2009 10:07 AM

Paste that line here (between [ CODE ] [ /CODE ] tags :P ).

GuBR 10-03-2009 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Quest (Post 159457)
Paste that line here (between [ CODE ] [ /CODE ] tags :P ).



<td bgcolor=black width=30>
its simple.... idk why it gives me the error :S

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