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Old 01-12-2011   #11
Mister Twilight 2007 & 2010
First Player to 1000 Resets
The Magic Gladiator

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It has been long overdue, I am sorry for this but I had a few personal issues that stalled the competition.

I've went through all your pictures with a good friend of mine and also Jessica aka Zukih28s.
The winners have been picked but because as a way to thank you for your patience and to redeem myself for the length of the competition, two further winning positions have been added by me and will be awarded through my own funds.

The winners are:

1st. Abdoman - It's pretty obvious, he worked the hardest and came up with great results.

2nd. OoyeoksoO - Great make-up skills, as this is a general picture competition and not Post-Your-Pic constest, I think you're worthy of the 2nd place. Could have been first if it wasn't for Abdoman.

3rd. DWonline - Good old zombies, great company over there and you all fit together well. The details in your costumes show that you were totally up for it.
4th. Kachi - Apart from being extremely cute and genuine about her participation, she also came up with a Twilight MU paper. It was not an obligation but she did it, she deserves credit for that.

5th. Hayley - Her daughter is beautiful, her eyes are stunning, fits the character she picked very well. Just don't have her smile if she doesn't want to or we're all doomed!

Prizes are as follow:

1st - 2000 TC*
2nd - 1000 TC
3rd - 500 TC
4th - 500 TC
5th - 500 TC

Top 3 winners should PM* me on forums about which account should the TC be put on.

Last 2 winners should request the TC from "Wael90" = HERE = and then PM me on forums, confirming their request with the name they used for the request.

Thank you everyone who participated, hope you had a happy Halloween. Greetings, till next year's competition.

* TC = Twilight Credits
* PM = Private Message
* Links are in yellow colour.
The Following 5 Users Like Wael90's Post:
babegurl (01-12-2011), DWonline (01-12-2011), Hayley (04-12-2011), Kachi (02-12-2011), PurpleHaze (02-12-2011)


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