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View Poll Results: Mister Twilight 2014
Imrahil 6 30.00%
moldovathe 4 20.00%
spidercold 10 50.00%
Voters: 20. You may not vote on this poll

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Mister Twilight 2014 Voting Thread
Old 23-11-2014   #1
The Dreamer

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Default Mister Twilight 2014 Voting Thread

The previous winners of Mister Twilight Competition:

Mister Twilight 2006: DukeNuken
Mister Twilight 2007: Wael90
Mister Twilight 2008: RanitaRene
Mister Twilight 2009: Martyr
Mister Twilight 2010: Wael90
Mister Twilight 2011: Smenkhare
Mister Twilight 2012: Abdoman
Mister Twilight 2013: Smenkhare

Here are the contestants and their entries in the order in which they have applied...everyone has a vote, which they can give out to their favorite contestant.

Contestants in order of their applications:




Good luck to all the participants! Let the voting begin!

The poll will close in two weeks (7th of December)!


Old 07-12-2014   #2
The Dreamer

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Rep Power: 20
Casino Cash: 30030

The voting period has ended and we have our winners.

1st place and Mister Twilight 2014 is spidercold
2nd place Imrahil
3rd place moldovathe

Thank you all for participating. Please contact Phoenix on forum so you can get your prizes.

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Old 09-12-2014   #3
TMU Administrator

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Rep Power: 20
Casino Cash: 63784

Congratz guys :)

The Following 2 Users Like Smenkhare's Post:
kornel (12-12-2014), spidercold (10-12-2014)

Old 10-12-2014   #4
Real Parent and Cane Corso Owner !

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Rep Power: 20
Casino Cash: 23673

congrats everyone

☑ Saddam Hussein
☑ Osama Bin Laden
☐ Justin Bieber- Soon®
❒ Democrat
❒ Republican
✔ Rocker

Holy Shit did Karma get you or what !!!
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kornel (12-12-2014), spidercold (10-12-2014)

Old 10-12-2014   #5
Miss Twilight 2014

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Rep Power: 193
Casino Cash: 1195

Congratulations Fellas

The Following 2 Users Like Cassandra's Post:
kornel (12-12-2014), spidercold (12-12-2014)

Old 21-12-2014   #6
3rd Place Mister Twilight 2014

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Rep Power: 184
Casino Cash: 7203

congrats all!!
at least i tried :))
ty all who voted me
Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


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