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C++ Basics
Old 14-02-2008   #1
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Post C++ Basics

Hey people

Welcome to my C++ Basics thread.So,what is C++ ?
Just as we people speak english,french,swedish or whatever,one of the most common languages which computers understands is C++.Yes,this is how we communicate data,orders,to the machine,and how it runs that message.

You write you C++ program with statements.
For example if you want your program to say : "Hello there.Whats up?"
You do this :

// My first noob program

cout << "Hello there.Whats up?" ;

Notice the // doesnt affect the program.Its just to help yourself organise your program.In other words,if you do this :

// does
// this program
// work?

The answer is : No

So,you write your program,whatever it is,and then you use a compiler to pack the data and build an application to run your program.

- You do not need to know how a compiler or why C++ works in details unless you want to become a computer scientist/technician

-If you want to program you need to learn the C++ launguage,in other words C++ statements and its rules.As long as the C++ data works and the complier does its job correctly,you're good to go

Here is another C++ statement/declaration :

int factor;
factor = 212 - 32;

This is if you need to invlove mathematical calculations in your program.
int factor declares there will be a value
factor = ... is the value you want to use
; is to close your statement and pass on to the next statement.

Of course,whats the use of knowing this if you do not have a C++ developper program?Well,you should have asked before.Here is is :
Download it from

And remember,its ok to be a beginner.When I started computing,I didn't know what Winrar or what an IP was xD

Good luck,future programmer!
Retired twi-player :annoyance:

Old 14-02-2008   #2
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Nice one, i will play with it soon hehe, thanks.

Maybe something about Pawnio? I heard it's similar to C++...

Old 15-02-2008   #3
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i play too^^ hehe

Ty Codez:)

Ty Judobreaker:)

Ty sprbean:)

Old 15-02-2008   #4
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hmmmm nice

Old 22-04-2011   #5
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// "We Need to bring this back, oopps I already did";

thx rani


Old 22-04-2011   #6
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// the nearest to C++...would be xD


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