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Old 14-09-2008   #21

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Rep Power: 249
Casino Cash: 159

We're all gonna die? Damn, everyone turn your fun meter up to it's highest setting then. SEX, DRUGS, ROCK & ROLL BABY !!!!
24 Hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not.

Battle Master of VaToLoCo

Old 14-09-2008   #22

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lol Star now that's what i'm talking about!

Hell, I love physics and science in general and in my opinion this is a great thing that we've got happening here.

And hell, if a Black Hole does appear woohoo, you silly Europeans die first! ....even if it is by a mere picosecond before everyone else does

a word to the wise when the fire dies
you think it's over but it's just begun

Old 15-09-2008   #23
"To Bean or not to Bean"

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Rep Power: 289
Casino Cash: 14

If you want to know if that machine destroyed the world yet:

Meep Meep

Old 16-08-2012   #24
Public Enemy #1

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Rep Power: 249
Casino Cash: 4650

The so called "God Particle" the Higs-Boson was found by the Large Hadron Collider a little while back. Hats off to Einstien he predicted it must be there and as time goes on predicition after predicition of his has been proven right. For those that dont know why the Higs-Boson particle is so important, its a subatomic particle that gives all other particles mass. Everything with mass, me, you, you're desk, Its the particle that manifested in the "Big Bang" that gave mass to EVERYTHING in our universe. This discovery will go a long way to a total understanding of our universe.

F**k our biased western media. Search for the truth! PressTV

Tnx nbli for my new sig!! R.I.P Eternity, StarCr3w & Spartans

Last edited by SupaSkunk; 16-08-2012 at 11:45 AM..

Old 26-08-2016   #25

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Rep Power: 278
Casino Cash: 15513

it seems that the world has lived to see another day
Me, Myself and I

What you think, I'm doing this for me, so fuck the world
[7 Minutes Ago 11:02 PM] Zukih28s: ur the man Shocky


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