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Old 05-04-2012   #1
2nd Place Mister Twilight 2013

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Rep Power: 273
Casino Cash: 12
Default Fearless

Hey all i have started a guild. The name of the guild is FEARLESS. As most know i am very active on forums and ingame so i will usually be on to help any members in anyway i can. My only requirements for my guild is that you must be active. :P If you join my guild and are none active for a long period of time i will probaly kick you out lol. And if you main character is in another guild and you just want to put some back up character in my guild dont you will be kicked... lol

ok with all that said if you are interested in my guild just let me know here or ingame MEANIEDL
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aceangelo (21-04-2012), LUCKY007 (05-04-2012), TheForsaken (11-04-2012)

Old 05-04-2012   #2
Former Spanish GM STAFF

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Rep Power: 352
Casino Cash: 11756

Gratz on a new formed guild in twilightMUonline...its always great to see new guild names roam around twilightmu world.

hope you and Ur guild becomes one of the good guilds we all have in this server
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Old 05-04-2012   #3
2nd Place Mister Twilight 2013

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Rep Power: 273
Casino Cash: 12

Im confident we will thank you for your good words :P
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Old 11-04-2012   #4
Proud GM of Outlaws

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Rep Power: 258
Casino Cash: 11004

Good luck with your guild ^^ i wish you many members and prosperity =D
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Old 11-04-2012   #5
2nd Place Mister Twilight 2013

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Rep Power: 273
Casino Cash: 12

thank you for your good words. best to you as well
The Following 2 Users Like ninjagrant's Post:
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Old 13-04-2012   #6
2nd Place Mister Twilight 2013

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Points: 27,261, Level: 72
Points: 27,261, Level: 72 Points: 27,261, Level: 72 Points: 27,261, Level: 72
Level up: 29%, 539 Points needed
Level up: 29% Level up: 29% Level up: 29%
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Rank: Moderator
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: around crazy people
Age: 33
Rep: ninjagrant has a reputation beyond reputeninjagrant has a reputation beyond reputeninjagrant has a reputation beyond reputeninjagrant has a reputation beyond reputeninjagrant has a reputation beyond reputeninjagrant has a reputation beyond reputeninjagrant has a reputation beyond reputeninjagrant has a reputation beyond reputeninjagrant has a reputation beyond reputeninjagrant has a reputation beyond reputeninjagrant has a reputation beyond repute
Rep Power: 273
Casino Cash: 12

FEARLESS guild still recruiting active members
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aceangelo (21-04-2012)


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