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[GUIDE] Making JOH / Adding It To Items / Removing it from items
Old 20-09-2008   #1
TwiMU Trash Talker CHAMP

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Default [GUIDE] Making JOH / Adding It To Items / Removing it from items

here is the perfect guide for making joh adding /. removing the options from items :P

the guide was supported by XxC2KxX , Heroes GM

Originally Posted by thebreth View Post
As i weack upp in the morning i loockd at my Leg shild and i wonderd how can i make it better

Soo i went around some mapps (Ebeland 3.Ebeland2) and seasen2 events (Cheos Castle) to find some tiny miny little thinghy seasen3 items (Aplication Three,Jewel of Harmony,Upgrade reinforce item).

AFter i collected these tiny miny thinghy items i stop a sec (needed to drink my coffe) and think about Kanturu event. WTF is is with that Refinery ? HmmmHmmmmHmmm letts check it aut.
Ahhh Dammit sombody made the Kanturu Relics event,whats the point to enter?
But it seys The path to Refinery is free..hmmm
Damm is soo Dark in here ,and no Monsters to kill and no Mashrooms to eat ....zzZZZZzz Borringgg but letts take a tour around this place

w0000t w0000t found a Blond Laidy
Shell i introduce miself?

Omg she wants my Aplication three

Omg he made with my aplication theree a Jewel of Harmony that's awsoome

Letts see what this Jewel of Harmony can make

w000t w000t a yellow option on my Preatty shild

Hmmm..i saw in Aida2 a green goblin that refines items ---letts check him maiby he can help me upgrade this Yeloow opt

Ugly Goblin wants a Exe item(w00t letts burn some junks)

This Ugly Green Goblin aint that bad, gave me a Upgrade reinforce item

i wonder ......can i upgrade it to +2,would be awsoome

Buahahahha Buahahahahhaha it works!

OmFg Bianca is aweack now.....i should eraze this Yellow option coz its her shild and i don't wanna piss her off

P.S. Don't snorke in the lonely nights!

Old 20-09-2008   #2
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thx C2K and John for this guide... now we need to know where does Gemstone drops xD

Old 20-09-2008   #3

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ghood point

Old 20-09-2008   #4
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Perfect! Fabulous! xD Thanks a lot guys.

Old 20-09-2008   #5
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Originally Posted by chaosx8 View Post
thx C2K and John for this guide... now we need to know where does Gemstone drops xD
Exactly, and we also need to know where moonstone ring and app three. :P

Old 20-09-2008   #6
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WTF john!!!

Lols im just in shock now.................this was from HeroeS guild forum,

To answer the latters questions:
Aplicattion Three is GemmStone(i use the name Aplication there) and i sed in trainer where they drop,but u are just loocking at pics ----- OPEN U EYES!

P.S. Uve neve been able to make such a coool trainer:P

Dedicated to HeroeS & Alliance

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Last edited by thebreth; 20-09-2008 at 08:08 PM..


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