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How To Use Launcher AutoUpdate Feature
Old 24-04-2009   #1

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Exclamation How To Use Launcher AutoUpdate Feature

Keeping your client up to date is a very simple thing to do, all you need to do is open Launcher.exe and every time there will be a new update, it will automatically download it into your Twilight MU Client folder and apply the update to your Client.

Here's a simple 3 steps guide:

Step 1 - Open Launcher.exe from your client folder:

Step 2 - If there is an update available wait for the update to be downloaded/installed in your client:

Step 3 - After the update has been applied to your client, the Connect button appears from which you can start off the game:

Simple as that.

If you have lost your Launcher you can download a very small Launcher Installer from the link below:

This Launcher Installer will install our Launcher in your Client folder. All you need to do is download it from the link above, place it in your client folder and run it there, it will install itself. After it has been installed, you can use it for Launching the game and doing auto-updates like specified in the guide above.

PS IMPORTANT: You can always check your client's version from the file called config.ini located in your client folder. Open this with Notepad so you can read it BUT DO NOT EDIT IT!
If you have edited it, you can always delete config.ini and then Launcher.exe will re-download the latest released patch and install it automatically into your client!

The Following 12 Users Like Phoenix's Post:
anas17 (25-04-2009), GuBR (24-04-2009), Jennifur (24-04-2009), MonkeyBusiness (24-04-2009), onyxonyx (25-04-2009), RanitaRene (24-04-2009), sempai (24-04-2009), Shock3X (24-04-2009), Spayro- (24-04-2009), suarez88 (24-04-2009), VELIANT_69 (25-04-2009), Wampox (24-04-2009)


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