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Display Items In Store Without Selling
Old 31-12-2010   #1

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Post Display Items In Store Without Selling

I have seen a couple of people ask how others "sell" items in there shops but when you try to buy them it won't let you. So i made this guide to teach any new players how they do it. When you attempt to buy it it usually says inventory full.

1. You need to have around 1.92bil zen in your inventory. Try not to go lower or they will be able to buy your item.

2. Open your store and put your item in it for the price of 99,999,999.

3. Name your store something like "Mail Offer" or "tokens and Tc only". It helps other people from trying to trade items you don't need for your item.

4.(Optional) If you dont think that you are doing this correctly try having a friend you trust come and try to buy your item.

When they try to but it it will say "You have exceeded the amount of zen you can possess."

The reason why you need 1.92bil+ is because you aren't able to go over 2bill zen. Many people do this show the items they are selling. They wouldn't have to ask you to show them the item in server 4.Some people find it better than posting. I recommend opening it in Devias because more people are in Devias than Lorencia or noria etc....

This is my first guide and i hope it helps.

Last edited by Karan; 01-01-2011 at 12:50 PM..
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Old 02-01-2011   #2
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I will add this to the FAQ. Stickyed.

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Karan (05-01-2011)

Old 02-01-2011   #3
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thanks karan, this was actually pretty useful cos i was confused as to why people could buy my items being sold for 99,999,999 and i couldn't buy theirs lol
For cheap items of all kinds, check out my forum shop here. Don't be afraid to offer anything. All prices are negotiable.

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Karan (05-01-2011)

Old 05-01-2011   #4

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=) Thanks for the comment but u should mainly thank the people who wanted to know for bringing it up. There were a lot of people asking so i found it better to make a guide and add some ss's. It would save a lot of questions for others.

Old 05-01-2011   #5

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nice guide karan...i knew that u had to do something like that so the others couldnt buy the items from ur store...but didnt know the way...nice one :)
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Old 05-01-2011   #6

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sh1t...i didn't know that !!! y are awesome


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