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seasons 6 guide
Old 05-10-2011   #1
Proud GM of Outlaws

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Thumbs up seasons 6 guide

Mu Update: Season 6 Episode 2

The master skill tree will be available for all races except the rage fighter, which will become available in a later update. Each skill needs a minimum of 10 points (some skills require more than 10 points) to move to the next range of skills , although each skill can have a maximum of 20 points. For season six episode two there will be a total of five range of skills, for the upcoming update there will be six. The maximum of skill ranges will be nine.
Changed Monster Levels

All the monsters listed had their levels changed but their item drops will be the same.
Swamp of Peace
Safi Queen, napin Ice, Shadow Master
The Second Zone Cleon
Dark Mammoth, The Dark Giant, Dark Coolutin, The Dark Knight Iron
Aida 2
Bloody Orc, Bloody Death Rider, Blue Golem Bloody, Bloody Witch Queen
Kanturu 3
Warrior Berserker, Warrior Kentarus, Gigantis Warrior, Warrior Genocider

New Quests

You must go to the Phantom Shadow Soldier to activate these quests. All of these quests are repeatable.
Quest Name Level Requirement Warrior Qualities 240~270 Level (main), 220~260 (secondary) The Courage of a Warrior 300~320 Level (main), 271~320 Level (secondary) Champion of the Fight 331~350 Level (common) Warrior Spirit 351~380 Level (common) Tenacity of a Warrior Level 381~400 level (common) Mighty Final Test Master Level (common) Conditions: Stop all of the other quests
Reward: Experience, Zen, or Jewels
Warehouse/Inventory Expansion
Talk to the NPC “Gyro Rogue Traders” and proceed with the quest.
Quest Name Level Requirement Trader Dealing Combination Extensions Level 50 (common) The Magic Cloth Level 150 (common) Fabric of Space Level 300 (common) Rewards:
Trader Dealing Combination Extensions: Warehouse Expansion (Warehouse Extends 8 * 15)
The Magic Cloth: Magic Bag (Extended Inventory 8 * 4)
Fabric of Space: Magic Bag (Extended Inventory 8 * 4)

Supplemented Trade System

When opening a trade you can right click on the item you want to market and will automatically move to the trade window.
Gens System(PvP & Quests)

Gens Pvp and Quest System
Gens PvP System offers you an opportunity to join two rival clans: Gens Duprian and Gens Vanert which can be joined at lvl 50.
Gain contribution points and get promoted to the next rank by completing quests and killing your enemy from the opposite clan!
In the first week of each month Gens rewards are given out based on your raking (you may not be eligible for rewards all the time), rewards can be collected at Gens steward NPC and they disappear if they are not collected in within a week
Gens NPC's you can find at: Noria 167 100 (Gens Vanert Steward) and Lorencia 150 140 (Gens Duprian Steward).

To be a part of the family you must chose to which clan you want to belong to ,and go to the NPC which reprezents it, talk to NPC and click Join button (option 4). You always have an opportunity to leave your current clan (option 5) and join the opposite family.
After you join one of the clans you can start makeing the quests which they offer. To chose a quest press "Accept gens Quest (option 1).

To check the quest status Press "T", select the quest name and you will see all the details about it. Also you have an option to cancel the quest at any time.

Once you have all the requirements needed in the quest , return to your Gens clan NPC, click Accept a gens quest,chose the quest you have done previously and down low click OK to collect the reward.

By completing quests you receive contribution points as a reward. Also by killing opposite clan members you will get 5 contribution points for each kill and you won't get PK status , but you may also loose 5 points if you get killed by a member of the rival family. If you kill your family member or any other player which does not belong to the rival family you won't receive any points
You can only receive points in Gens PvP enabled maps : Stadium , Barracks and Vulcanus .
To check your Gens ranking, Gained Contribution and other info press "B".

Gens Restrictions :
You can not join guild with other gens

You can not have guild alliance with other gens

Guild Master can not leave gens(unless he disbands guild)

If guild Master joins a family all his guild will join same family automatically

Gens Chat System

Chat has been added to the Gens system. It will use the symbol “$” to start the conversation of Gens.

Quick Access Keys
F2: all messages ON / OFF
F6: General Chat ON / OFF
F7: Party Chat ON / OFF
F8: Guild Chat ON / OFF
F9: Gens Chat ON / OFF
Season 5 Guide

Item Upgrade

Upgrading items with Jewels:

Jewel of Life: Used to add/upgrade the option of an item. Each Jewel of Life increases the option by +4 with a maximum of +28. Be aware that if the jewel fails, then the option it will drop to +0. Jewel of Life has a 50% success rate.

Jewel of Bless: Used to upgrade an item level from +0 to +6 with a success rate of 100%.

Jewel of Soul: Used to upgrade an item level from +0 to +9, with success rate of 50%. However, items with +Luck have a success rate of 75%. If the process of upgrading an item from +0 to +6 fails, the item level will drop 1 level.
E.g. If an item fails to +6, the item level will drop to +5.

If the process of upgrading an item from +7 to +9 fails, the item level will drop to +0.
E.g. If an item fails to +8, the item will drop to +0.

Upgrading items +10 and above:

Upgrading items to +10:

Talk with the Chaos Goblin in Noria at coordinates 180, 100.
Select the option Regular Combination.
In the 8 x 4 Chaos storage area, place:

* Item to upgrade (Level +9)
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* One (1) Jewel of Bless
* One (1) Jewel of Soul
* Zen

If the item you are upgrading does not have luck, the success rate is 50%.
If the item you are upgrading does has luck, the success rate is 75%.
After confirming the success rate, press the Combining button.

If the combination succeeds, the item being upgraded will be +10.
If the combination fails, all items and zen used in the combination are lost.

Upgrading items to +11:

Talk with the Chaos Goblin in Noria at coordinates 180, 100.
Select the option Regular Combination.
In the 8 x 4 Chaos storage area, place:

* Item to upgrade (Level +10)
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* Two (2) Jewel of Bless
* Two (2) Jewel of Soul
* Zen

If the item you are upgrading does not have luck, the success rate is 50%.
If the item you are upgrading does has luck, the success rate is 70%.
After confirming the success rate, press the Combining button.

If the combination succeeds, the item being upgraded will be +11.
If the combination fails, all items and zen used in the combination are lost.

Upgrading items to +12:

Talk with the Chaos Goblin in Noria at coordinates 180, 100.
Select the option Regular Combination.
In the 8 x 4 Chaos storage area, place:

* Item to upgrade (Level +11)
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* Three (3) Jewel of Bless
* Three (3) Jewel of Soul
* Zen

If the item you are upgrading does not have luck, the success rate is 45%.
If the item you are upgrading does has luck, the success rate is 70%.
After confirming the success rate, press the Combining button.

If the combination succeeds, the item being upgraded will be +12.
If the combination fails, all items and zen used in the combination are lost.

Upgrading items to +13:

Talk with the Chaos Goblin in Noria at coordinates 180, 100.
Select the option Regular Combination.
In the 8 x 4 Chaos storage area, place:

* Item to upgrade (Level +12)
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* Four (4) Jewel of Bless
* Four (4) Jewel of Soul
* Zen

If the item you are upgrading does not have luck, the success rate is 45%.
If the item you are upgrading does has luck, the success rate is 70%.
After confirming the success rate, press the Combining button.

If the combination succeeds, the item being upgraded will be +13.
If the combination fails, all items and zen used in the combination are lost.

Upgrading items to +14:

Talk with the Chaos Goblin in Noria at coordinates 180, 100.
Select the option Regular Combination.
In the 8 x 4 Chaos storage area, place:

* Item to upgrade (Level +13)
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* Three (5) Jewel of Bless
* Three (5) Jewel of Soul
* Zen

If the item you are upgrading does not have luck, the success rate is 40%.
If the item you are upgrading does has luck, the success rate is 65%.
After confirming the success rate, press the Combining button.

If the combination succeeds, the item being upgraded will be +14.
If the combination fails, all items and zen used in the combination are lost.

Upgrading items to +15:

Talk with the Chaos Goblin in Noria at coordinates 180, 100.
Select the option Regular Combination.
In the 8 x 4 Chaos storage area, place:

* Item to upgrade (Level +14)
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* Four (6) Jewel of Bless
* Four (6) Jewel of Soul
* Zen

If the item you are upgrading does not have luck, the success rate is 40%.
If the item you are upgrading does has luck, the success rate is 65%.
After confirming the success rate, press the Combining button.

If the combination succeeds, the item being upgraded will be +15.
If the combination fails, all items and zen used in the combination are lost.

Skill Tree

To unlock Master Skill Tree, you need to have done the third class quest.

To add master level points all you have to do is continue leveling from level 400, so do not reset and continue leveling to get master level points. Now finally you can add points to your tree. As you can see in the image below, you can only put points up to 5

You can access the Skill tree if you already have done Devin Quest(3rd Quest) , by pressing "A"

Each character SkillTree look :







Skills are divided to 4 categories :

Defensive Skills, green color
Offensive Skills, red color
Increasing Skills, blue color
Universal Skills, violet color

Detailed Skill Tree skill list :

Elf Soldier (Season 5 Quests)

Shadow Phantom Soldier Quests
Shadow Phantom Soldier NPC from now on will offer you not only buff, but also many new quests based on your level. By completing this quests you will win extra experience.
Shadow Phantom Soldier NPC can be found in: Noria 168 118 | Lorencia 96 129 | Devias 219 76 | Elbeland 100 218 & 45 164.

To take the quest you must go and talk to Shadow Phantom Soldier.

Select second option " Accept a quest", you will get a list of quests which you are able to do at your lvl. You can do the quest as many times as you want if you are in between the needed levels (eg : 1st quest requires lvl 1-14 , if after you did the quest your level is smaller than 14 you can take the quest again ).

Select the quest which you want to do and click the arrow till the end till you see " I accept your quest.(Accept)". after that you will see all the details.

To check if the quest status Press "T", select the quest name and you will see all the details about it. Also you have an option to cancel the quest at any time.

Once you have all the requirements needed in the quest , return to Shadow Phantom Soldier, click Accept a quest,chose the quest you have done previously And down low click OK to collect the reward.

Merchant Moss NPC- Mu Online

Who is NPC Merchant Moss?

Merchant Moss is a mysterious NPC who arrived in Mu Online Continent after embarking a journey to secrets faraway lands. His job was to collect exotic and rare items in which are brought to attentions amongst Mutizens. These rare items was developed by webzen in season 5/6 and are mostly directed to weapons for all type of character classes.

Elveland / Elbeland (22,225)

Twice a day every 12 hours mostly. Some servers might have him appears once a week but it depends on its announcements in each servers.
If Merchant Moss Appears there will be announcement on the screen about whereabouts he is appearing during that particular time. There will be also a warning of 5 minutes countdown of the time in which this NPC will close and disappear.
What does he sell?

Merchant Moss sells Normal, Excellent and Rare weapons that can have skills, luck and different amount of options randomly.
They are categorize is 5 different types:

For every purchased you made in any of these 5 categories, you are playing with chance and probabilities. Which means you will get random weapons of the type you select it.
The chance of getting rare items are usually in 30-50% chance. Most Excellent items that you will get might have 1-2 options. Rare items usually have luck and 2-4 excellent options.

If you are lucky enough, you might also find the exotic and rare excellent weapons in which Merchant Moss have collected. These are:
Excellent Brova = Blade Knight / Blade Master & Magic Gladiators
Excellent Striker Scepter = Dark Lord / Lord Emperor
Excellent Aileen Bow = Muse Elf / High Elf
Excellent Chromatic Staff = Soul Master / Grand Master & Magic Gladiator
Excellent Raven Stick = Bloody Summoner / Dimension Master

Seed and Sphere
* Spheres, rank thru its quality (From Low To High)
1. Chipped Sphere
2. Flawed Sphere
3. Natural Sphere
4. Flawless Sphere
5. Perfect Sphere

SEED SPHERE= adds a Seed Option to item (Depending on item kind)
You can create 30 kinds of Seedspheres with 1 option.
all Seedspheres can be used on all items.
SEED OPTIONS:Sets & Shields = Water, Wind, Earth
Weapons = Fire, Ice, Lightning

Rage Fighter / First Master

Rage Fighter – is newest character from mu online,can be used only in Season 6 version or higher.Home of Rage Fighter is latest map nammed Kalrutan.
He have an innate ability to fight with fists, thanks to that ability are a new breed emerging within the continent Mu.
Rage fighter force is comming from their weapons skills wich will give a great attack power,transforming Rage Fighter in a great warrior.
Rage Fighter Evolutions

Rage Fighter
First Master
Calculation Formula for Rage Fighter

Maximum Damage -
Minimal Damage -
Attack Success Rate -
Defensive Power -
Defense Success Rate -
Magic Power -
Points per level 7
Rage Fighter Skills

Weapon Skills

Large Ring Blower
The Fighter Rage Attack Enemy cuffs with 4 consecutive hits inflicting greater damage on the enemy.
Upper Beast
The Fighter Rage Attack enemies with 4 simultaneous blows of a large range that significantly harms the enemy ..
Rage Fighter Skills

Skill in Parchment

Chain Driver
Attack the enemy with 4 to 8 consecutive attacks further reduce the speed of movement with the Ice attribute.
Dark Side
The Rage Fighter shadows which sends up to 4 consecutive attack the enemy causing great damage.
Dragon Lore
The Rage Fighter summon the forces of the earth and sends waves of fire which hurt everything that is in his area.
Dragon Slayer
The Rage Fighter makes a great damage to the enemy and also increases the damage of their Skills only (PVP).
Red Armor Ignore
The Rage Fighter invokes the accumulated energy to ignore the defense of his enemy given the opportunity to inflict more damage.
The Rage Fighter invokes its accumulated energy to share their energy and power with the members of his party.
Defense Success Rate Increase
The Rage Fighter invokes its accumulated energy which allows him and his party members of his defense success rate increases to fight their enemies.
This skill can be used only in Castle Siege event.

Summoner / Bloody Summoner / Dimension Summoner

The Summoner is a new character class in MU Online it appears form Season 3 Episode 2. It attacks by calling

summoned creatures and also has several very useful magic spells. There are no special level requirements for the Summoner so you can start playing with her directly without having another character (unlike the Magic Gladiator and Dark Lord).
The Summoner uses spells so you should focus mainly on her Energy.
Born in Elbeland and is characterized by using his magic to sleep his enemies as well as take away life at the time the attack ends.
The Summoner can equip staves (a.k.a. Sticks) and books which both increase her damage.
Summoner Evolutions

Summoner Bloody Summoner Dimension Summoner
The summoner has 2 types of skills they can be used by reading the scroll and the skills of his book that rely on creatures from another dimension that handle a lot of damage to more energy put into the summoner more damage to the opponent.
Most of the Summoner can be a form of training, increasing their energy that can be powerful and inflict greater damage. Along with increasing energy, it increases the size of mana allows summoner most frequently repeated his magic power.
Calculation Formula for Summoner

Maximum Damage Strength ÷ 4
Minimal Damage Strength ÷ 8
Attack Success Rate (Level*5) + (Agility*1) + Strength ÷ 4
Defensive Power Agility ÷ 3
Defense Success Rate Agility ÷ 4
Magic Power Energy ÷ 4 + Magic Damage 150%
Points per level 5

Summoner SKILLS

Scrolls Skills
Fire Ball
Even novice Dark Wizard can master this simple technique easily.
By shooting a huge tongue of fire, it gives a massive damage to enemies.
Power Wave
It shoots a wave of force towards the enemy.
Power Wave digs under the ground and moves toward the enemy to deal moderate damage.
This spell summons a meteorite from the heavens to smite opponents.
The Ice spell has a chance of chilling enemies, slowing down their movement and the speed of their attack.
Drain Life
Extract the enemy’s HP while is recovering your HP for every attack.
Chain Lightning
Send electric ray attacks on the enemy with a terrible damage
This skill involves the enemy inside a black cloud that reduces their defense and it violates a lot of damage.
Paralyzes the enemy moves for a few seconds or until you attack him again.
Damage Reflection
Reflects damage taken by your enemies for some time.
Damage weakens the power of your enemies for a limited time.
Power which weakens the defense of your enemies for a limited time.
Aura that increases the damage for a limited time, using the aura reduces your defense and HP.
Lightning Shock
Create fire attacks that focuses waves of fire round you.

Skill in Books
It is necessary to use the Book of Samut to get this skill.Tiger attacks with a fire that damaged while the fire.As level rises tiger create more damage.
You need to use Book of Neil to be able to use this skill.Summons a guardian who attacks enemies with needles. This book make more damage to enemies that Book of Samut.
Require the Book of Lagler to acquire this skill. Summons ghosts to attack the enemies to death. Invocation is stronger if summoner a high level and helps to attack multiple targets.

Last edited by TheForsaken; 05-10-2011 at 11:58 PM..
The Following 6 Users Like TheForsaken's Post:
aceangelo (16-10-2011), korugashi (06-10-2011), LUCKY007 (06-10-2011), MagicWizzz (05-10-2011), Mephisto (12-10-2011), Sam007 (06-10-2011)

Old 06-10-2011   #2
~I Love Grapes~

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nice guide, sticked!
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