
Jewel of Chaos - key jewel in Chaos Gobblin Machine,
basic component to all items (wings, chaos items, items+10.+11, nuts)
Drop From:Giant, Chian Scorpion, Elite Goblin, Hunter, Forest Monste, Agon,
Stone Golem, Hommerd, Assassin, Yeti, Elite Yeti, Ice Queen, Worm,
Ice Monster, Larva, Cyclops, Skeleton, Ghost, Skeleton Archery, Elite
Skeleton, Thunder Lich, Poison Bull Fighter, Dark Knight, Gorgon,
Hell Hound, Hell Spider, Cursed Wizard, Death Cow, Shadow, Poison
Shadow, Death Gorgom, Death Knight, Balrog, Devil, Bahamut, Vepare,
Valkyrie, Great Bahamut, Sliver Valkyrie, Lizard King, Hydra, Death
Bone, Soldier
Note: I do not take credit for this b/c it can easilly be found on google. All i did was edit it around, fixed some spelling errors and all that.

Jewel of Bless -
rise item level up 1 level. For items 0-6 lvl. 100% chance
Drop from Assassin. Yeti, Elite Yeti, Ice Queen,
Elite Skeleton, Cyclops, Ghost, Hell Hound, Hell Spider, Skeleton
Archery, Thunder Lich, Poison Bull Fighter, Dark Knight, Gorgon, Cursed
Wizard, Death Cow, Shadow, Poison Shadow, Death Gorgon, Death Knight,
Balrog, Devil, Bahamut, Valkyrie, Vepare, Great Bahamut, Sliver Valkyire,
Lizard King, Hydra

Jewel of Soul - you can use this jewel
to upgrade item on 7-9 level.Ok, now.. for item 0-7 we have 50% chance
success. For items 7-8 level,we have 50% too , but when we have bad
luck item level goes to null. When item is with luck - this is 25%
additonal chance of success (i.e. some item +x+luck =75% chance to
next level)
Drop from Etile Yeti,
Ice Queen, Elite Skeleton, Ghost, Skeleton Archery, Hell Hound, Hell
Spider, Poison Bull Fighter, Dark Knight, Gorgon, Balrog, Cursed Wizard,
Death Cow, Devil, Death Gorgon, Death Knight, Bahamut, Valkyrie, Vepare,
Great Bahamut, Sliver Valkyrie, Lizard King, Hydra, Death Bone, Soldier,

Jewel of Life - rise up item option
(not item level) 50% chance of succes, but 25% is more true :). Option
- add dmg, add def, HP recovery etc
Drop from Hydra,
Mutant, King Orc. I belive more than this but im not positive.

Jewel of Creation - Drop 78 lvl. To create nuts in Chaos Gobblin Machine. Nuts add 1-3 points strengh,
agility, energy or stamina. How to create? Jewel of Create+3.000.000
zen+ jewel of chaos and we recieve at random nuts
Note: Some of the monsters listed may not be in this version!!!
B> means Buy
S> means Sell
DD=Damage Decrease
(item)+x+x= (item)+(item grade)+(extra opt rate add)
AA=ArchAngel staff7wings (depends of what is asking for)
Sod=Sword of destruction
Exc = Excelent
AA = Archangel
SoD = Sword of Destruction
BoD = Blade of Devourer
Leg = Legendary
Nix = Dark Phoenix
Faming Nix/ Flaming / Flam Nix = Flaming Phoenix
Embro = Embroidered
Bob = Bill of Balrog
Tele = Teleport
Ms = Mana Shield
Bok = Box of Kundun
Boh = Box of Heaven
Hol = Heart of Love
b = Jewel of Bless
s = Jewel of Soul
c = Jewel of Chaos
Jol = Jewel of Life
k = Thousent (money)
mill = Million (money)
bill = Billion (money)
zen = the money we pay with
Dino = Dinorant
invits = Devil Square Invitation or Invisibility Cloack (Blood Castle Invitation)
DR or rate - Defence Success Rate 10%
Ref - Reflect 5%
HP - increase life 4%
zen - increase zen after hunt 40%
mana - increase mana 4%
DK- Dark Knight
BK- Blade Knight (upgrade from DK after doing quest)
DW - Dark Wizard
SM - Soul Master (Upgrade from DW after doing quest)
Elf- Elf
EE - Energy Elf - support caster elf, can heal and summon creatures
AE - Agility Elf - Warrior type elf with high agility
ME - Muse Elf - (upgrade from Elf after doin quest, can be EE or AE)
DS - Devil Square
BC- Blood Castle
CM - Chaos Machine
PK - People Killing
PVP - Player vs Player (server 2 is PVP legal)
PVM - Player vs monster (server 1 is only PVM)
SS - Spirit Sword
MoK - Mace of the Kings
FP or PF - Fire Pendent or Pendent of Fire (depends on which side of the earth u live on )
LP or PL - Lightning Pendent or Pendent of Lightning
CDA- Chaos Dragon Axe - used by Dark Knight/ Strength Magic Gladiator
CLS - Chaos Lightning Staff - used by Dark Wizard / Energy Magic Gladiator
CNB - Chaos Nature Bow - used by elfs only
DB - Double Blade
CA - Cresent Axe
LS - Lightning Sword
LS - Lightning Staff
GS - Great Scythe
GS - Gorgon Staff
GS - Grand Soul Shield / items
Res - Resurrection Staff
BoB - Bill of Balroc
BD - Black Dragon item
KS - Kill Steal
Str - Strength
pots - Potions (Health, mana, antidote)
Gm - Can stand for Guild master or Game master. All game masters are in the guild [Staff]
Note: I do not take the credit for this. Some of this work comes from sanchez,Judobreaker,zhiying and ZERO66
Key functions
* Right Mouse Button: Use spells or skills
* [Ctrl] + Mouse Button: PK Attack
* F1: Help Menu
* F2: Dialogue Toggle
* F3: Whisper mode On/Off
* F4: Adjust Chat Window
* F5: Toggles MUssenger chatting window when receiving incoming message
* F6: Hides MUssenger chatting window
* Enter: Opens Text Box
* Shift: Holds Character position
* Spacebar: Picks up Item/Zen
* Print Screen: Takes Screen Shot
* ALT: Displays Item name on ground
* C: Character Stats
* I/V: Inventory
* M: Warp Menu
* D: Command List
* Q: Uses default health item
* W: Uses default mana potion
* E: Uses item that is put into Shortcut
* F: Opens/Closes MUssenger
* P: Party Window
* G: Guild Window
* Numbers (1-9): Select Spell/Skill Binds
* CTRL + number (1-9): Bind spells/skill to number
Command List This is a window that is brought up by pressing "D" on the keyboard. It is an alternate way of using commands without typing /. Just left click on command choice then right click on the player u wish to use it on.
* /Party: To set up a party
* /Guild: To join a guild
* /Trade: To start a trade
* /Request : Declines or accepts any request (Not in D list)
* /Buy: Opens personal store
* /Duel: Begins/Ends a duel with opposing player
* /Add Friend
* /Hostility Guild (Button only!)
* /Follow
* /Suspend Hostiles (Button only)
* /Buy (I belive personal store is disabled)
* /Whisper (Button only)
* /Guild Alliance (Button Only)
Bok's= box of kundun
BOK+1 Goblin
BOK+2 Titan
BOK+3 Dragon
BOK+4 Lizard Kind
BOK+5 Tantalos