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Rate For New Monsters
Old 07-06-2007   #1
TwiMU Trash Talker CHAMP

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Default Rate For New Monsters

//Silent Map 2
Name			Level	HP	Attack
"Mutant Hero"		127	120000	3200
"Omega Wing"		129	140000	3400
"Axe Warrior Hero" 	131	160000	3600
"Gigas Golem"		133	180000	3800

//Land of Trails
Name			Level	HP	Attack
"Lizard Warrior"	125	120000	2500
"Fire Golem"		127	140000	2700
"Queen Bee" 		129	160000	2900
"Poison Golem		131	180000	3100
"Axe Warrior"		133	200000	3300
"Erohim" 		135	220000	3500

Name			Level	HP	Attack
"Death Tree"		140	120000	1000
"Forest Orc"		142	140000	1200
"Death Rider"		144	160000	1400
"Blue Golem"		146	180000	1600
"Witch Queen"		146	200000	1800
"Hell Maine"		148	220000	2000

Name			Level	HP	Attack
"Hammer Scout"		142	100000	2000	
"Lance Scout"		142	120000	2200
"Bow Scout"		144	140000	2400
"Werewolf"		144	160000	2600
"Scout(Hero)"		146	180000	2800
"Werewolf(Hero)"	146	200000	3000
"Valam"			148	220000	3200
"Soram"			148	240000	3400

//Crywolf Bosses
Name			Level	HP	Attack
"Tanker"		145	150000	2200
"Death Spirit"		146	170000	2400
"Valam"			147	190000	2600	
"Soram"			148	210000	2800	
"Dark Elf"		149	230000	3400	
"Balgas"		149	250000	3400

Name			Level	HP	Attack
"Berserk"		144	150000	2200
"Splinter Wolf"		144	170000	2400
"Iron Rider"		145	190000	2600
"Satyros"		145	210000	2800
"Blade Hunter"		146	230000	3000
"Kentauros"		146	250000	3200
"Gigantis"		147	270000	3400
"Genocider"		147	290000	3600	
"Persona"		147	310000	3800
"Twin Tale"		148	330000	4000

//Kanturu Bosses
Name			Level	HP	Attack
"Dreadfear"		148	350000	4200
"Nightmare"		148	370000	4400
"Maya's Left Hand"	149	390000	4600
"Maya's Right Hand"	149	410000	4800
"Maya"			149	450000	5000

OK Here It Is:
1) Lvl = Level of the Monster The Higher lvl the higher exp and the drop will be from the monster

2) HP = The Monsters Health

3) Attack The Monsters Attack Rate If The Attack is 1000 then u need 1000 to suvive the monster or around 1000 , if it is 2000 then u need 2000 or around 2000 ect

Last edited by Unreal; 07-06-2007 at 04:38 PM..

Old 27-03-2008   #2
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That's cool, just you missed [TAB] few times.

Where can I read about all monsters?

Old 28-06-2014   #3
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It’s really great posts.


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