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Miss Twilight 2014 Entry Posts & Rules
Old 19-10-2014   #1
The Dreamer

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Thumbs up Miss Twilight 2014 Entry Posts & Rules

It's time to choose Miss Twilight 2014!

As most of you probably know by now, Miss Twilight competition has become a tradition amongst the people of this community, thus it is my pleasure to announce that the Application thread will once again be reopened for anyone who wants to join in.

But, before getting to the fun part, let's have a look at the rules of this competition:

1. To enter the competition you need
- To be a girl, obviously
- You need at least one picture of you holding a piece of paper or whatever on which it's written Twilight MU or I <3 Twilight MU, anything like that
- Every girl is allowed to participate

2. Selections
- There will be absolutely no STAFF favoritism towards the candidates
- The candidates will be placed in a poll and players will be able to vote for their favorite candidate

3. Prizes
All 3 places will get special Forum nick color + special user title:
- 1st Place will get 2,000 TC
- 2nd Place will get 1,500 TC
- 3rd Place will get 1,000 TC

4. Conditions
- Like I said before, at least a picture of you holding something on which it is written Twilight MU or I <3 Twilight MU
- No nude pics (bathing suite allowed), this is still a community formed of a lot of kids
- You need at least 3 Pictures
- Pictures must be clear
- Pictures are not allowed to be modified using PS or another program like that
- There is no max limit at the number of the pictures you can post, so you can go wild and post 100 pictures if you want
- Also, after you have posted at least 3 normal pictures of yourself (from which, one has to be the one with the paper), you can post the rest of the pictures in black and white, too or whatever...but you NEED to have 3 pictures posted normally

The entry post should contain:
- The pictures
- Details about yourself (name, age, country, etc.) arranged nicely on the page (colors and text fonts will help).
- Also, anything else you would like to add is welcomed (e.g.: What do you like about Twilight? What do you like about MU?)

This thread is opened only for the entry posts, so if you want to add anything else or ask any questions, there is a thread made specially for that HERE

Additional rule: The winner of last year's Miss and Mister Twilight can NOT participate in the competition of the following year (Note: This only goes for the winners of first prizes, NOT second or third)

P.S.: Don't take the last rule in a bad way, but this is just a measure of precaution that has been taken to give another person (girl or guy) the chance to win and not have the same people winning the competitions two years in a row.

Enough said...let the applications begin!

This thread will be closed in 3 weeks from now, that means 9th of November, after which the voting period will begin.

The Following 3 Users Like Irina's Post:
Heather (22-10-2014), kamilekpl (19-10-2014), Karan (20-10-2014)

Old 09-11-2014   #2
The Dreamer

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We're gonna extend the deadline for the applications until 23rd of November. That means two extra weeks. If no one is gonna post their application by then, I guess we're just gonna have to skip on having a Miss and Mister Twilight this year.


Old 10-11-2014   #3
2nd Place Miss Twilight 2010

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Well seeing how no one has entered yet, perhaps I shall enter and that will break the ICE!!

However because my CASSANDRA account does not have the correct amount of post to post pictures I am going to enter them through here. So here is my entry for my forum account Cassandra.

Yes I know my sign is backwards, i really did not think this through, it was done fast and for fun..

So now that I have posted my entry come ladies and gents lets do this

Halloween - SteamPunk costume I made myself

getprofessionalh elp

Getting Ready to go on the nightmare hayrides - I'm in the Pink shirt

Just a random pic i took lazying around house..

I <3 C.A.K. 4ever

The Following 6 Users Like Heavenly2's Post:
Cassandra (10-11-2014), Essence (10-11-2014), Irina (11-11-2014), kamilekpl (14-11-2014), Karan (10-11-2014), RoyAls (23-11-2014)

Old 23-11-2014   #4
The Dreamer

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Rep Power: 20
Casino Cash: 30030

Guess we have a winner for this year's Miss Twilight Competition. Since Cassandra is the only one who submitted her application, there is no point in having a poll, so congratulations on winning this year's competition.

Please send a message to Phoenix here on forum so he can give you the prize and the title.

Thanks for participating!

And here's a list of the previous winners of Miss Twilight Competition:

Miss Twilight 2006: Irina
Miss Twilight 2007: Zukih28s
Miss Twilight 2008: Title withdrawn
Miss Twilight 2009: Kachi
Miss Twilight 2010: EmoAngel
Miss Twilight 2011: babegurl
Miss Twilight 2012: Heather
Miss Twilight 2013: alelucas

The Following User Likes Irina's Post:
Cassandra (24-11-2014)


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