Well as i didnt see one earlier i decided to make one ^^
So here are all the golden monsters and bok's that they drop (expect budge which i didnt bother to search ) When the where found is in ( ) it means it appears randomly in one of those.
first and easiest golden monster. Found in:Lorencia/Noria Name: Golden goblin
And when u kill it u get: Bok+1
Second Golden monster. Found in: Devias Name: Golden titan
Its guarded by these monsters: Golden soldiers
Heres the Titan itself:
And when u kill it it drops: bok+2
Third Golden monster. Found in: (Devias)(Noria)(Lorencia) Name: Golden dragon
When u kill it u get: Bok+3
Fourth Golden monster. Found in: Atlans 2~3 Name: Golden lizard king
Its guarded by these monsters :Golden vepare
Heres lizard king:
And by killing it u get : Bok+4
And fifth and final golden. Found in: Tarkan 1~2 Name: Golden tantalos
Its guarded by these monsters: Golden wheeler
Heres the the tantalos itself:
When u kill it ull get: Bok+5
There are all the Golden monsters and what they drop.
Some info from Invasion: It happens every 4hours on all servers on the same time.
for info from what Bok drops what items check this guide by unreal:
Ok so i hope this helps some people. btw u can kill any of these even on 0rr but it will just be harder. (Hint: The spawn places are totally random, But if u hunt enough u can see pattern forming.)¨(Hint: in vip servers u can see on what map the dragons are because they fly on the sky.)
Btw. in the future i might but few hunt routes and most usual spawn cords here

ps. the cords in upper corner arent the most usual spots ^^