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Chaos machine guide o.O
The Chaos Machine is located in Noria's center of the city, near the vaultkeeper. In order to use it, one's character must be at level 10 or higher. When entering the Chaos Machine, the player will have 2 options (3 in Season 3).
Contents [hide]
1 General Combination
1.1 Combination: 1st Level Wings
1.2 Combination: Potion of Bless
1.3 Combination: Potion of Soul
1.4 Combination: Fruit
1.5 Combination: 2nd Level Wings
1.6 Combination: Fenrir
1.7 Combination: Devil Square Invitation
1.8 Combination: Invisibility Cloak
1.9 Combination: Cape of Lord
2 Chaos Weapon Combination
2.1 Combination: Chaos Weapons
3 References
[edit] General Combination
The General Combination is where nearly everything is made using the chaos machine. The reason why Chaos Weapons has their own place is to prevent collision with other item-making combinations.
[edit] Combination: 1st Level Wings
Items required
1 Jewel of Chaos
1 Chaos Weapon (see above) +4+4 (at least)
Optional Items
Jewels of Chaos (2% increase each one)
Jewels of Bless (5% increase each one)
Jewels of Soul (3% increase each one)
Any items +4 item with an option (% increase depends on type and level of the item).
Percentage Rate
Varies, between 2% and 100%.
Zen Rate
(Percentage Rate)*10,000
All jewels are gone and all item levels decrease.
Success: One of the following:
Angel Wings/Wings of Heaven (may have luck, option up to +12 magical damage, level up to +4)
Satan Wings/Devil Wings (may have luck, option up to +12 physical damage, level up to +4)
Fairy Wings/Elven Wings (may have luck, option up to +3% auto-heal, level up to +4)
[edit] Combination: Potion of Bless
Items Required
Jewel of Bless
Optional Items
Jewel of Bless
Percentage Rate
Zen Rate
(Jewels of Bless used)*10 Potions of Bless
Drinkable potion (effects are written on the potion while mouse hovering)
[edit] Combination: Potion of Soul
Items required
Jewel of Soul
Optional items
Extra Jewels of Soul
Percentage Rate
Zen Rate
(Jewels of Soul used)*10 Potions of Soul
Drinkable potion (effects are written on the potion while mouse hovering)
[edit] Combination: Fruit
Items required
1 Jewel of Creation
1 Jewel of Chaos
Optional items
Percentage Rate
Zen Rate
5 million zen[1]
All items are gone.
1 Fruit
Raise 1-3 point in one stat; stats depends on which fruit you get
[edit] Combination: 2nd Level Wings
Items required
1 Loch's Feather, 1 Jewels of Chaos, 1 1st Level Wings
Optional items
Excellent Items +4+4 (at least)
Percentage Rate
Varies, between 0% and 90%
Zen Rate
5 million zen
All jewels are gone
Excellent items and wings lose levels and options
Success: one of the following
Wings of Dragon/Devil Wings (may have luck, option up to +12 physical damage or 3% auto-heal, or Wings Excellent Options[2]
Wings of Archangel (may have luck, option up to +12 magical damage or 3% auto heal, or Wings Excellent Options[2]
Wings of Butterfly/Butterfly Wings (may have luck, option up to 3% auto heal, or Wings Excellent Options[2]
Wings of Darkness (may have luck, option up to +12 magical damage or +12 physical damage, or Wings Excellent Options[2]
Wearable wings, increase to attack, defence and speed. Used in Making 3rd Level Wings - Stage 2 (Only in season 3)
[edit] Combination: Fenrir
Main article: Fenrir
[edit] Combination: Devil Square Invitation
Items required
1 Jewel of Chaos
1 Devil Eye (must be on same level with Devil Key)
1 Devil Key (must be on same level with Devil Eye)
Optional items
Percentage Rate
Varies, Higher item levels means lower percentage rate.
Zen Rate
Varies, Higher item levels means higher zen rate.
All Items are gone.
Devil Square invitation at the level of the items.
Used to enter Devil Square
[edit] Combination: Invisibility Cloak
Items required
1 Jewel of chaos
1 Scroll of Archangel (Must be on same level with Blood Fang)
1 Blood Fang (Must be on same level with Scroll of Archangel)
Optional items
Percentage Rate
Zen Rate
All Items are Gone
Invisibility Cloak at the level of the items.
Used to enter Blood Castle
[edit] Combination: Cape of Lord
Items required
1 Crest of Monarch, 1 Jewels of Chaos, 1 1st Level Wings
Optional items
Excellent Items +4+4 (at least)
Percentage Rate
Varies, between 0% and 90%
Zen Rate
5 million zen
All jewels are gone
Excellent items and wings lose levels and options
Cape of Lord (may have luck, or Cape of Lord Options)
Wearable wings, increase to attack, defence and speed. Used in Making 3rd Level Wings - Stage 2 (Only in season 3)
[edit] Chaos Weapon Combination
The Chaos Weapon Combination is used, as the name suggest, to make Chaos Weapons.
[edit] Combination: Chaos Weapons
Items required
1 Jewel of Chaos
1 Any Item +4+4[3] (at least)
Optional items
Extra Jewels of Chaos (2% increase each one)
Jewels of Bless (5% each one)
Jewels of Soul (3% each one)
and extra Any Items +4+4 (at least; % increase depends on type and level of the item).
Percentage Rate
Varies, between 2% and 100%
Zen Rate
(Percentage rate)*10,000 (1 million at max)
All jewels are gone and all item levels decrease.
Success: One of the following:
Chaos Dragon Axe (may have luck, skill, option up to +12, level up to +4)
Chaos Nature Bow (may have luck, skill, option up to +12, level up to +4)
Chaos Lightning Staff (may have luck, option up to +12, level up to +4)
Used to make 1st level wings.
[edit] References
↑ may vary
↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Wings Excellent options are:
Ignore 5% of opponent's defensive power
Increase max mana by 50+(Wings' Level*5)
Increase max HP by 50+(Wings' Level*5)
Ignore 3% of opponent's offensive power
↑ +4+4 means it has to have +4 item level (tinted in red,), and +4 option (like you put 1 Jewel of Life on the item).