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Old 25-07-2010   #21
The Owner

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Points: 46,940, Level: 95
Points: 46,940, Level: 95 Points: 46,940, Level: 95 Points: 46,940, Level: 95
Level up: 36%, 610 Points needed
Level up: 36% Level up: 36% Level up: 36%
Activity: 0%
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Rank: Administrator
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: USA
Age: 53
Rep: FireStorm has a reputation beyond reputeFireStorm has a reputation beyond reputeFireStorm has a reputation beyond reputeFireStorm has a reputation beyond reputeFireStorm has a reputation beyond reputeFireStorm has a reputation beyond reputeFireStorm has a reputation beyond reputeFireStorm has a reputation beyond reputeFireStorm has a reputation beyond reputeFireStorm has a reputation beyond reputeFireStorm has a reputation beyond repute
Rep Power: 20
Casino Cash: 21553
☑ Saddam Hussein
☑ Osama Bin Laden
☐ Justin Bieber- Soon
Garion: frank hacked my previous msn and deleted the account
Garion: Guess you are still proud of hacking my old MSN account so much that you made it part of your sig ? ROFL, good

Unreal: I'm your bitch frank forever!!!!!

My Princess Forever!!!!! Asuka
The Following 2 Users Like FireStorm's Post:

Old 03-03-2011   #22
Former Spanish GM STAFF

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Level up: 0%, 0 Points needed
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Rep: LUCKY007 has a reputation beyond reputeLUCKY007 has a reputation beyond reputeLUCKY007 has a reputation beyond reputeLUCKY007 has a reputation beyond reputeLUCKY007 has a reputation beyond reputeLUCKY007 has a reputation beyond reputeLUCKY007 has a reputation beyond reputeLUCKY007 has a reputation beyond reputeLUCKY007 has a reputation beyond reputeLUCKY007 has a reputation beyond reputeLUCKY007 has a reputation beyond repute
Rep Power: 353
Casino Cash: 11756

New list of players heading towards account ban when they reach 100 warning points.

Scroll down the list see if ur close....Make sure u are not caught again. Just raise you lvls and reset to eliminate warning points. It should make u players realize. why not log off if not going to be looking at MU, Remember TwilightMu will be here when u wake up.

Now if u are banned cause of warning points. You can pay 1ktc to have it unbaned and 50 points deducted, But please we ask that u not abuse the points system. it will only make u look like u do not respect our rules.

Chars close to ban for warning points -100

24 GodSmack 85
25 DraG00n 80
26 fronky 80
27 Hagar 80
29 Axouto 70
30 charlie02 70
31 Dknynhoc 70
32 Summwiz 70
33 Tutik 70
34 SctS 65
35 4age 60
36 aNes 60
37 aZeD 60
38 Caramon 60
39 DaRLiNg888 60
40 DLireng 60
41 dragoncool 60
42 figgy 60
43 Gebuda 60
44 GloriouS 60
45 Grado 60
46 H3h3 60
47 Hannibal 60
48 Jebat 60
49 jhowhelle 60
50 KIRIL666 60
51 kostadk 60
52 Lethal 60
53 MaRtYeMaNu 60
54 Mask 60
55 maxpolar 60
57 Naria 60
58 Orcus 60
59 PinkFairy 60
61 PoMka 60
62 PROCER 60
64 reddragon2 60
65 RoceaDl 60
66 Ryza 60
67 SmMono 60
68 Striploin 60
69 synergy 60
70 TokiPL 60
71 Vahshir 60
72 Winger 60
73 xman23 60
74 xman24 60
75 YoWizz 60
76 AngelExile 50
77 B1oodymary 50
78 BlackDK 50
79 DarkJHELLE 50
80 Earie 50
81 FaraonBG 50
82 FIDO 50
83 FromHeaven 50
84 jeeeeeeeMG 50
85 Lalinha 50
86 MAX555 50
87 NapoleoN 50
88 PeLuDo 50
89 ProMG 50
90 Rettich 50
91 sexxiee 50
92 SMcomeon 50
93 smsm2000 50
94 Whitening 50
95 zuperzhu 50
96 centri0n 45
97 Demi7 45
98 alby6 40
99 aranyszaka 40
100 Colonel 40
101 Debastus 40
102 Fallback 40
103 hamdi 40
104 IceLord 40
106 KingofMu 40
107 Koshi 40
108 Magn1 40
109 MEXI 40
110 mmmmmmmm 40
111 NeMeSiS27 40
112 Raistlin02 40
113 RegDL 40
114 RicardoBR 40
115 RynTz 40
116 SinStory 40
117 Smjose 40
118 SuMMyJL 40
119 xdarkrange 40
120 XyCoLegend 40

To unban choose reward#3
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<<Wats with this line on forums

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Mi pagina de Vender y Comprar >> HAZ CLIQ AQUI


Old 13-08-2011   #23
Miss Twilight 2007

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Zukih28s is offline
Points: 28,143, Level: 73
Points: 28,143, Level: 73 Points: 28,143, Level: 73 Points: 28,143, Level: 73
Level up: 46%, 407 Points needed
Level up: 46% Level up: 46% Level up: 46%
Activity: 0%
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: ..:~In my dream~:..
Age: 36
Rep: Zukih28s has a reputation beyond reputeZukih28s has a reputation beyond reputeZukih28s has a reputation beyond reputeZukih28s has a reputation beyond reputeZukih28s has a reputation beyond reputeZukih28s has a reputation beyond reputeZukih28s has a reputation beyond reputeZukih28s has a reputation beyond reputeZukih28s has a reputation beyond reputeZukih28s has a reputation beyond reputeZukih28s has a reputation beyond repute
Rep Power: 305
Casino Cash: 11240

New Update:

All players that have 50+ Warning Points. Please make sure you clear it. Once it reaches 100, its perm ban. To unban after u reaches 100 warning points, please see rewards #3.

25 GodSmack 85
26 DraG00n 80
27 fronky 80
28 Hagar 80
30 Syias4 80
31 Axouto 70
32 charlie02 70
33 Dknynhoc 70
34 geta122 70
35 MGJacky 70
36 Summwiz 70
37 Tutik 70
38 xman24 70
39 xxxKILLxxx 70
40 SctS 65
41 4age 60
42 aZeD 60
43 boyka 60
44 ColdSelf 60
45 DaRLiNg888 60
46 Dictaterzz 60
47 DLireng 60
48 dragoncool 60
49 Eken 60
50 ExecuteR 60
51 figgy 60
52 Gebuda 60
53 GloriouS 60
54 Grado 60
55 GREAT 60
56 Hannibal 60
57 Impact 60
58 Jebat 60
59 jhowhelle 60
60 kamehameha 60
61 KIRIL666 60
62 KiryuZero 60
63 kostadk 60
64 Lethal 60
65 LitleFrogy 60
66 MaRtYeMaNu 60
67 Mask 60
68 maxpolar 60
69 messaage 60
71 Naria 60
72 PinkFairy 60
74 PoMka 60
76 raimond 60
77 reddragon2 60
78 RoceaDl 60
79 Ryza 60
80 Satlla 60
81 SmMono 60
82 Striploin 60
83 synergy 60
84 TokiPL 60
85 Vahshir 60
86 Winger 60
87 YoWizz 60
88 Zola 60
89 AngelExile 50
90 B1oodymary 50
91 BlackDK 50
92 DarkJHELLE 50
93 deimonkill 50
94 Earie 50
95 FaraonBG 50
96 FromHeaven 50
97 Lalinha 50
98 LordScion 50
99 MAX555 50
100 NapoleoN 50
101 Nitro93 50
102 ProMG 50
103 Rettich 50
104 sexxiee 50
105 SMcomeon 50
106 Strach 50
107 Whitening 50
108 zuperzhu 50
The Following 2 Users Like Zukih28s's Post:
deva98 (14-08-2011), kamilekpl (13-08-2011)

Old 13-08-2011   #24
The Owner

FireStorm's Avatar
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Points: 46,940, Level: 95
Points: 46,940, Level: 95 Points: 46,940, Level: 95 Points: 46,940, Level: 95
Level up: 36%, 610 Points needed
Level up: 36% Level up: 36% Level up: 36%
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Age: 53
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Rep Power: 20
Casino Cash: 21553

wow sooo many rule breakers
☑ Saddam Hussein
☑ Osama Bin Laden
☐ Justin Bieber- Soon
Garion: frank hacked my previous msn and deleted the account
Garion: Guess you are still proud of hacking my old MSN account so much that you made it part of your sig ? ROFL, good

Unreal: I'm your bitch frank forever!!!!!

My Princess Forever!!!!! Asuka
The Following 2 Users Like FireStorm's Post:
anas17 (23-08-2011), deva98 (14-08-2011)

Old 14-08-2011   #25
2nd Place Mister Twilight 2013

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Level up: 29%, 539 Points needed
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Location: around crazy people
Age: 33
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Rep Power: 274
Casino Cash: 12

hmmm dont see wuts so hard bout it, noobs :P
FireStorm: apo is gonna get fucked in his ass good by me

Old 21-08-2011   #26
V.I.P. User

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Points: 3,735, Level: 25
Points: 3,735, Level: 25 Points: 3,735, Level: 25 Points: 3,735, Level: 25
Level up: 74%, 65 Points needed
Level up: 74% Level up: 74% Level up: 74%
Activity: 0%
Activity: 0% Activity: 0% Activity: 0%
Rank: V.I.P. User
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: in your mind
Age: 36
Rep: NAIRD1028 will become famous soon enoughNAIRD1028 will become famous soon enough
Rep Power: 188
Casino Cash: 2223

lol i have 35 warning points. but for what?

Old 21-08-2011   #27
2nd Place Miss Twilight 2010

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Level up: 24%, 532 Points needed
Level up: 24% Level up: 24% Level up: 24%
Activity: 0%
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Age: 44
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Rep Power: 288
Casino Cash: 7487

It means u were AFK on normal server when a staff memeber afk checked you. AFK = away from keyboard. Wich is NOT allowed on regular server. I believe its 10 pnts, per afk catch.. means you were caught 4 times!.. 35 means u had 40 but rr and lost 5 of them.
I <3 C.A.K. 4ever

The Following 6 Users Like Heavenly2's Post:
anas17 (23-08-2011), Iceman (23-08-2011), LUCKY007 (21-08-2011), suarez88 (22-08-2011), Thati2009 (23-08-2011), Zukih28s (22-08-2011)

Old 16-10-2011   #28
New Member

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Points: 1,412, Level: 15
Points: 1,412, Level: 15 Points: 1,412, Level: 15 Points: 1,412, Level: 15
Level up: 8%, 138 Points needed
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Activity: 0%
Activity: 0% Activity: 0% Activity: 0%
Rank: New Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Age: 31
Rep: zarkz1 is on a distinguished road
Rep Power: 0
Casino Cash: 46

wow, someone is on 90 xD, better watch out, and how much warning points for being afk?

Old 19-10-2011   #29
Mister Twilight 2007 & 2010
First Player to 1000 Resets
The Magic Gladiator

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Rep Power: 363
Casino Cash: 16360

Originally Posted by zarkz1 View Post
wow, someone is on 90 xD, better watch out, and how much warning points for being afk?
wow, someone is spamming! It is 10 warning points if you get caught. :) But seriously, there are better ways to earn posts. :P Good luck.

Old 25-02-2012   #30
Former Spanish GM STAFF

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Points: 57,682, Level: 100 Points: 57,682, Level: 100 Points: 57,682, Level: 100
Level up: 0%, 0 Points needed
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Location: IN A HOUSE
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Rep Power: 353
Casino Cash: 11756

New Updated warning points lists.
Reminder to remove the points you will need to reset your character.

Also if you are 100 points and banned. you will need to request a reward #2 purchase which will cost 1000TC

Read more here : Reward 2:
1000 TC = Unban From Temp Ban or RR Ban: (not permanent bans)
- This does not apply for permanent bans.
- Your character/account gets unbanned if it was banned for a certain period.
- We hope after paying to get your account/character back you will not do the same infractions again that got you blocked in the first place.

Here is list...check if your name is on list and be very careful getting caught AFK or Clikor

Character Warn Points
1 KIRAD------------140
2 OunTey----------140
3 Syrous------------140
4 Blakjak -----------130
5 hyjw--------------130
6 Junkers----------130
7 MeiNv-------------130
8 silvertop---------130
9 Totenlake--------130
10 HolyMoses-------120
11 Orekav1017------110
12 SpawnMG --------110
13 Zyoroa------------110
14 Ardon ------------100
15 BEAUTY ----------100
16 BKSTRIKER--------100
17 DarkAngele--------100
18 Human -------------100
19 Humman -----------100
20 Jobers --------------100
21 LoRdLuKe------------100
22 MasterDL ------------100
23 nyaaaaaaaa --------100
24 OREKAV -------------100
25 xman23 ------------100
26 GodSmack----------85
27 DraG00n ------------80
28 Hagar---------------80
29 HYPOCRISY-----------80
30 xman24---------------80
31 Axouto-----------------70
32 charlie02 -------------70
33 Dknynhoc--------------70
34 fronky-----------------70
35 geta122 ---------------70
36 MGJacky ---------------70
37 Summwiz --------------70
38 Tutik ----------------------70
39 xxxKILLxxx------------70
40 SctS --------------------65
41 4age ------------------60
42 AWADOO99 --------------60
43 ColdSelf ---------------60
44 DaRLiNg888 -------------60
45 Dictaterzz ---------------60
46 DLireng ----------------60
47 dragoncool -------------60
48 ExecuteR --------------60
49 figgy -------------------60
50 Gebuda ------------------60
51 GloriouS ---------------60
52 Grado --------------------60
53 GREAT ------------------60
54 Hannibal ---------------60
55 Impact -----------------60
56 Jebat -------------------60
57 jhowhelle -----------------60
58 KIRIL666 -----------------60
59 KiryuZero ---------------60
60 kokos ------------------60
61 kostadk -----------------60
62 Lethal ------------------60
63 LitleFrogy -----------------60
64 MaRtYeMaNu -------------60
65 Mask ----------------------60
66 maxpolar ----------------60
67 messaage----------------60
68 MGHAKER -------------------60
69 MrQusu -----------------------60
70 orian ------------------------60
71 PinkFairy -------------------60
72 POKOLOKO ----------------60
73 PoMka ----------------------60
74 PROMISCUO ---------------60
75 raimond --------------------60
76 reddragon2 ----------------60
77 RoceaDl ---------------------60
78 Ryza------------------------60
79 Satlla ---------------------60
80 SmMono -------------------60
81 StepSM -------------------60
82 Striploin -----------------60
83 synergy -----------------60
84 TokiPL --------------------60
85 Vahshir -------------------60
86 Winger ------------------60
87 YoWizz --------------------60
88 Zola --------------60
89 AngelExile ------50
90 aZeD ------------50
91 B1oodymary ---50
92 BlackDK ---------50
93 boyka -----------50
94 DarkJHELLE ----50
95 deimonkill-------50
96 Earie-------------50
97 FaraonBG-------50
98 FromHeaven ---50
99 Lalinha----------50
100 LordScion-------50
101 MagicWizz------50
102 MAX555 ---------50
103 NapoleoN ------50
104 Nitro93 ---------50
105 Rettich ----------50
106 sexxiee----------50
107 SMcomeon -----50
108 Strach---------- 50
109 Vigo ------------ 50
110 Whitening----- 50
111 zuperzhu------ 50
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<<Wats with this line on forums

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PurpleHaze (25-02-2012)


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