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darklord/how to make a raven
Old 17-09-2006   #1
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Default darklord/how to make a raven

Combining to create Cape of Dark Lord

* Warning: Cape may drop when you get killed in PvP.

1. Talk with the Chaos Goblin located in coordinates (180, 100) in Noria.
2. Use the option Regular Combination.
3. In the 8 X 4 Chaos storage area, place:
* One (1) Crest of Monarch
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* One (1) First Stage Wing
* For the combination process, a specific amount of Zen is consumed. After confirming the success rate, press the Combine button.
4. Upon successful combination, item placed would be turned into a Cape of Dark Lord.
5. In the event that the combination fails, all items and Zen used during the process are consumed.

Pet Trainer Guide

* Warning: Pets and Cape of Lord are considered droppable items and may drop when you get killed in PvP regardless of level and upgrade.
Location of NPC Noria, Coordinates (180,100)
Name of NPC Chaos Goblin
Possible items to create

1. Dark Spirit
2. Dark Horse
Conditions for creating pets Jewel of Chaos + Jewel of Creation + Spirit of appropriate type + Blesses and Souls + Zen cost
Other Functions You can pay the pet trainer to heal Dark Lord pets' HP for a cost.
Size of Trainer storage 8 x 4 blocks
Combination success rate Combination of items to create pets will go up to 60%
Zen consumption Appropriate amount of zen varies according to HP to be healed or type of pet being created

* When pets reach 0 HP while using them they will be unable to attack and lose 10% of their experience points
* Spirit of Dark Horse monster drop level 102.
* Spirit of Dark Spirt monster drop level 96.

Combining to create Dark Spirit (Raven)

1. Talk with the Trainer located in Noria, Coordinates (180,100).
2. Use the option Resurrect Spirit
3. In the 8 X 4 storage area, place:
* One (1) Spirit of Dark Spirit (Raven)
* Two (2) Jewels of Bless
* Two (2) Jewels of Soul
* One (1) Jewel of Creation
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* 1 million Zen
4. After confirming the success rate, press the Combine button.
5. Upon successful combination, one Dark Spirit would be resurrected.
6. In the event that the combination fails, all items and Zen used during the process are consumed.

Combining to create Dark Horse

1. Talk with the Trainer located in Noria, Coordinates (180,100)
2. Use the option Resurrect Spirit
3. In the 8 X 4 storage area, place:
* One (1) Spirit of Dark Horse
* Five (5) Jewels of Bless
* Five (5) Jewels of Soul
* One (1) Jewel of Creation
* One (1) Jewel of Chaos
* 5 million Zen
4. After confirming the success rate, press the Combine button.
5. Upon successful combination, one Dark Horse would be resurrected.
6. In the event that the combination fails, all items and Zen used during the process are consumed.



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