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Hello and Farewell - Sempai
Old 02-01-2016   #1
Respect must be earned.

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Default Hello and Farewell - Sempai

Greetings TwiMu,

It's been a minute since I've been here. I hope everyone has been well. Popping in to say hello, as well as share a story for you all. Wall of text incoming..

For those of you who remember me, you may recall that I generally liked to keep to myself, but was not afraid to bring up the occasional controversial topic.

I was last active many years ago (sometime in early 2013). Since then, I may have logged on once or twice to say hello. Between then and now, something happened in which a leak or *gasp* hack allowed someone to obtain my account details. I NEVER gave out my details, and I had so many accounts registered with fake emails that I didn't even know all the exact details. Yet, someone was able to change all the account emails and passwords.

Fast forward to a few months ago (~August 2015) where I decided to pop in again, only to find that this happened. Someone had changed the name of my BK, transferred my TC/zen wealth, and transferred away a bunch of my sets. Basically everything I had played and earned during my time here. (23k+ TC, hundreds of billions of zen, multiple high level and mid level full +13 sets, weapons, etc). Everything was gone. I PMed Phoenix and he gave me the current account info, which I immediately changed all the emails and passwords. Fast forward again to last month (December 2015), when I logged in again just to follow up on the situation. Someone had once again somehow obtained my account details and pretty much emptied out the rest of the items on my characters.

Initially, I was angry, but realized that all I truly lost were some pretty pixels. I had asked Phoenix to look into it, but I don't blame him for not doing so. It was so long ago, probably alot of work, and frankly not worth it anyways. I'm not so upset anymore, but it does suck that someone was able to take advantage of my absence and transfer everything to their own accounts.

Earlier today, I deleted all my characters, except for my elf Allure. I had forgotten to include that account when I talked to Phoenix. Whatever. You random person who now owns it, you can have it.

I don't expect this to make a huge impact on the community, but this is me making my own kind of statement. No one else is going to be able to use my accounts to do whatever.

This is most likely my final farewell to everyone at TwiMu.
Goodbye Andrei, Frank, any staff that remains. Thanks for the good times.
Goodbye old friends/players who may happen to see this.
Goodbye random person who has my account details and pretty items.

an old player who is moving on

SM, Sempai

DL, Eminence

RF, Bushi

MG, Tensei

BK, Kensei (some fool changed it to DomiiBK)

all my TC


Last edited by sempai; 02-01-2016 at 10:38 PM..

Old 03-01-2016   #2
Never Give Up

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Rep Power: 231
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Bro! It's been awhile! You might not remember me but I'll always remember ya when we were allies (Outlaws) I'm sad that I won't be seeing you here again but am happy to know you're alive and well ^^ Does your gf's cat still like to scratch you?

Old 04-01-2016   #3
Never Give Up

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Rep Power: 231
Casino Cash: 28173

Forgot to add in that the few times I did encounter your characters ingame and asked who it was, he said he was your brother. I dunno if you have a brother or not but thought I'd just throw that out there if it helps.

Old 06-01-2016   #4
~I Love Grapes~

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So sad to see you leave and even more sad and angry to hear what happened to you, i feel disgusted, how pathetic some people are to benefit by doing such terrible thing... I hope he will be removed from this place for good, I do recall a guy named domi and there were problems with him before, im sure of it...

I hope you are doing well in life, all the best to you :)

You are and always be part of this community Sempai :)


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