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Old 31-03-2010   #71
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dont be too happy...
this guide isnt working

the triple shot bug's are mistaken


Old 01-04-2010   #72
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8000-8200 does not work. I have a Imperial Staff and Anubis gloves on and it wont work over 850 speed. Is there anyone that can make guide with SPEED and not AGI ?
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Old 16-12-2011   #73
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Dark Lord Agility Bug

* 0 - 2400 (works normal)
* 2400 - 5000 (works normal with horse/uni/dino)
* 5000 - 5600 (doesnt work at all)
* 5600 - 6800 (works with horse/dino only)
* 6800 - 8000 (works normal with horse/uni/dino)
* 8000 - 11800 (doesn't work at all)
* 11800 - 16600 (works normal with horse/uni/dino)
* 16600 - 32767 (doesn't work at all)

Old 24-08-2012   #74
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slightly updated agi bug


Evil Spirits

* 0 - 5700 > normal
* 5700 - 6550 > Only with unilia/dino works
* 6550 - 8200 > normal
* 8200 - 9820 > Only with unilia/dino works
* 9820 - 10700 > Don`t work at all
* 10700 - 13250 > normal
* 13250 - 15700 > Only with unilia/dino works
* 15700 - 23250 > Don`t work at all
* 23250 - 28250 > normal
* 28250 - 33200 > Only with unilia/dino works
* 33200 - 65535 > Don`t work at all


* 0 - 61700 > normal
* 61700 - 65535 > Don`t work at all

This works when ES and Inferno no.

* 9820 - 10700 > Normal
* 33200 - 65535 > normal


Twisting Slash
Allways work, but sometimes you don`t see the skill, BTW this is only Visual Bug.

* 0 - 47040 > normal
* 47040 - 65535 > normal, but sometimes you don`t see



* 0 - 23200 > normal
* 23200 - 25250 > Don`t work at all
* 25250 - 37750 > normal
* 37750 - 56500 > Don`t work at all
* 56500 - 65535 > normal


Evil Spirit

* 0 - 11200 > normal
* 11200 - 12880 > Only with Unilia/Dion works
* 12880 - 16200 > normal
* 16200 - 19440 > Only with Unilia/Dion works
* 19440 - 21200 > Don`t work at all
* 21200 - 26200 > normal
* 26200 - 31100 > Only with Unilia/Dion works
* 31100 - 46200 > Don`t work at all
* 46200 - 56200 > normal
* 56200 - 65535 > Only with Unilia/Dion works

Twisting Slash
Allways work, but sometimes you don`t see the skill, BTW this is only Visual Bug.

* 0 - 47180 > normal
* 47180 - 65535 > normal, but sometimes you don`t see


* 0 - 65535 > normal

Dark Lord/LE - Agility Bug
Fire Scream

* 0 - 2400 > normal
* 2400 - 5000 > Only with Unilia/Dino/Horse/Fenrir works
* 5000 - 5600 > Don`t work at all
* 5600 - 6800 > Only with Unilia/Dino/Horse/Fenrir works
* 6800 - 8000 > Only with Unilia/Dino/Horse/Fenrir works
* 8000 - 11800 > Don`t work at all
* 11800 - 16600 > Only with Unilia/Dino/Horse/Fenrir works
* 16600 - 32000 > Don`t work at all
* 32000- 65535 > Don`t work at all

There is a problem with some spells when you have a certain amount of points on agility. Here is the exact values of agility that will cause bugs in your character: Agility bug guide is propably calculated without staff, so u gotta calculate the right amount of agi u need to get past the bug.

For e.x sm using staff with 190 speed = 1900 more agility
Mg using staff with 190 attack speed = 2850 more agility

More examples....

A mg using staff with +190 attack speed, it adds 2850 non visual "agility" to your character.. Imagine a case, in quide there would be "You need 18000 agility to get past the agility bug", but with additional 190 attack speed adding staff, your agility bug would stop at 15150 agility instead of the stated 18000.

For sm 10 points in agi = 1 speed

and for mg 15 points in agi = 1speed.

If you want to calculate the agility bug by speed, you must divide agi/15 if you're a MG and agi/10 if you're a SM.
I'm not 100% sure about is it calculated with or without staff. So it's just a wild guess.

Hope this post help you! Good luck!

Last edited by TheForsaken; 24-08-2012 at 03:02 AM..
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