Did you think that those pesky 10% and 20% Discount Codes would be useless?
Well not anymore, you can now combine low discount codes into the Discount Code Mixer to generate a much higher Discount Code.
Please read the instructions on how to use the script before using it.
Report any issues you may find to me via Forum PM.
- You can input 2-3 Discount Codes into the Mixer.
- Any Discount Code can only be 10% or 20%. No higher Discount Codes work in the mixer.
- You can only input UNUSED Discount Codes into the Mixer.
- The codes used in the mixer will no longer be valid (marked as Used Codes).
- The discount of the resulting code will never be higher than 60%.
Here's how it works:
- The mixer adds the discount from all the Discount Codes and then has a 33% Chance to add or subtract 10% from the resulting code.
- Example1: You input 3 codes of 10%, you have a 33% chance to get a 40% Discount Code, you have a 33% chance to get a 20% Discount Code, and you have 33% chance to get a 30% Discount Code.
- Example2: You input 2 codes of 20% and 1 code of 10%, you have a 33% chance to get a 60% Discount Code, you have a 33% chance to get a 40% Discount Code, and you have 33% chance to get a 50% Discount Code.