An easy way of advertising what you want to sell or buy, with great exposure, FireSales being displayed both on website and forum in very high visibility places.
Posting a FireSale is Free of charge, however you can increase your FireSale's exposure by chipping in few TC.
You can use FireSales for posting buy/sell items, recruiting for your guild, etc... even declaring your love for someone :0027: , there are really no restrictions to what you can post, but considering a lot of people see it keep the language clean, no cursing/swearing.
Posting FireSales has a time limit, you can only post once per hour per user per IP Address, in order to prevent spam (considering it's free) and to allow older FireSales to have some exposure before going to the bottom and becoming extinct, also there's a max character's limit for each FireSale, no more than 50 characters.
Only the latest 50 FireSales are being displayed, from newest at the top to the oldest at the bottom, once a FireSale reaches position 51 it will stop being displayed. (this number may be modified)
Like I've said before for very small amounts of TC (10-20TC) you can improve your FireSale for higher visibility, you can read more about this when posting a FireSale on the website.